The U.S. Air Force ERP Failure Could Have Been Avoided

CN Liou
7 min readOct 4, 2023


Eric Kimberling’s insightful video discussed that,

The U.S. Air Force spent 8 years and $ 5 billion only to get 25% of the results that had been promised and expected.

This misery could have been avoid if the policymakers had applied this age-old pay-as-you-go principle:

  1. Let your IT staff implement your ERP project.
  2. You hire only one consultant to train your IT staff all the necessary skills to work on PostERP, the low-code ERP development and execution framework, to implement your project. Try to limit the overall training days in 5 unless your IT staff do not have PostgreSQL, basic accounting, and large database design skills.
  3. If most of your IT staff or end users are not comfortable with the said ERP software, you will not buy it.

These are the main types of user interface (UI) for all integrated ERP applications to be used by all organizations in all industries (the US Air Force is no exception).

1. CRUD screens (and their corresponding menu items)

  • Every employee in an organization spends approximately 98% of their time on one transactional CRUD screen doing their daily work. In rare cases, 2 or 3 transactional CRUD screens are required. They spend the remaining 2% of their time on other CRUD screens managing master data, such as chart of accounts, fixed assets, suppliers, and tax rate table, etc.
  • End users can view tables that directly map to the underlying tables in database.
  • End users can query tables using all combinations of fields as search keys.
  • End users can scroll up and down the retrieved records and edit or delete the focused record.
  • All fields can be configured to be read-only, hidden, or writable.
  • End users can attach up to 32767 files to each record displayed on the screen.
  • Each screen the mechanism of signing flow.
  • Each CRUD screen can be designed to comprise unlimited number of tables.
  • Each CRUD screen and field provide on-line help.
  • Users can download the records in any table on the CRUD screen, and import the file to LibreOffice Calc.
  • Users can upload a file with records to any table on the CRUD screen.

IT personnel do not need to write a single line of code to build CRUD screens.

2. data quick views (which almost all ERPs other than PostERP do not support)

IT personnel do not need to write a single line of code, except a single SQL SELECT statement that may join multiple tables, to create data quick views.

End users view the data set a data quick view produces, perhaps in 0.5 second, and then download the data set as a file and import to LinbreOffice Calc and draw a sophisticate and fancy chart.

3. reports

IT personnel design one report template without programming except for writing SQL SELECT (one in most cases) statement.

End users get within seconds the income statement and cash flow statement in multiple languages.

4. business logic processors (known as batch job programs)

IT personnel write PostgreSQL functions or procedures in PL/SQL or PL/PGSQL to process business processes. They don’t need to learn or use any other programming languages.

End users close accounts, calculate payroll, run MRP, and post monetary related business transactions to accounting journal by running these business logic processors, which complete at lightening speed.

End users can download the records returned by the business logic processor if it is designed to do so.

5. API (which doesn’t confront humans, of course)

The RESTful API server automatically listens to the requests from outside world and executes CRUD operations on database tables. IT staff don’t need to write any single line of code.

This ERP framework is true multilingual.

Are you talking in your dream or exaggerating like an IT layman?

I believe most large organizations, including the US Air Force, have IT staff who either have PostgreSQL skills, large database design, and basic accounting knowledge, or can be trained or self-taught in 3 weeks.

These IT staff can then be trained within 5 days and start designing ERP applications that fit their organization’s processes on this low-code ERP development and execution framework.

If your larger organization just can’t meet these criteria even if you are provided with the aforementioned ERP framework, you are not my prospect, and good luck!

How long does it take an IT personnel to complete designing a new CRUD screen?

The answer depends on the skill proficiency of IT engineers.

As an IT person with a lower IQ, my productivity is roughly as follows:

The subject of the USAF project begins.

I have transcribed the causes for the failure as illustrated by Eric, and appended my measures to avoid each cause.

The team failed to abide by acquisition best practices when acquiring the software.

The pay-as-you-go rule is the “acquisition best practice” I can think of, which requires the USAF to pay no fees to the ERP vendor or consultant other than a tutoring fee for up to five business days.

The team failed to define the business requirements clearly up front.

The first milestone for internal or external IT personnel to reach is crystal clear:

Design new applications to replace the functionalities the legacy system is now providing.

Just ask end users! They will tell you what to do now.

Before you can give your end users all the functionalities legacy systems are offering, your ERP is inferior to legacy systems.

Your most important mission now is giving your end users the new applications that can accurately and quickly process user’s data.

If you can’t finish your assignments now, you have no right to ask end users for more assignments.

You can safely ignore most of user requests for fancy UI with bells and whistles that legacy systems provide because I believe users can live without it.

On the other hand, however, end users most likely will resist your ERP software, and you and your project as a result, if

  • you use “the world best practice or industry standard” as an excuse to try to force end users to drastically change the way they currently work, only to adapt themselves to the rigid ERP applications that you prefabricated once for 1 million organizations.
  • your ERP software comes with thousands of entangled switches called “configuration parameters” that even you don’t know how to correctly turn them on or off.
  • your top-tier ERP software requires end users to remember numerous software program names, namely the “transaction codes”.
  • your tier-one ERP software is so complex to use that it makes its users unproductive.
  • your ERP software is so complex to use that it’s easy for users to make mistakes.

Only after your IT engineers have built the new stable ERP applications and replaced the legacy system, are you qualified to ask end users this question,

“What other ERP applications do you want my subordinates to design for you?”

The team failed to identify the risks of the project and really mitigating those risks and being able to get ahead of those risks beginning in the acquisition process.

The pay-as-you-go strategy is risk free.

The goal of the project was aimed to acquire a single integrated system that would tie together the various operations and capabilities and functions of the organization, but what they ended up acquiring instead was multiple systems that needed to be integrated together.

The USAF information systems, including the new expensive one, clearly were designed in the way that is against the principle of “single source of truth”.

In other words, the USAF were and are running information systems not truly seamlessly integrated.

It’s almost certain that each of these systems owns a distinct database and the IT staffs in USAF are struggling with the following problems.

  • Databases are out-synced. Discrepancies exist among systems. What is displayed by system A is different from that is displayed by system B.
  • Multiple users are forced to maintain a distinct copy of the same master data.
  • The realization of “single sign-on” is hardly possible.
  • There are large number of complicated gateways or APIs that work as data exchange brokers. Hence the overall systems slowly respond to users. Systems malfunctioned or even crashed from time to time.

The culture in the organization was resistant to changes of the organization processes to adapt to new technology.

The committee suggested that the organization should have redefined their business processes prior to the start of implementation.

The cost of requirements analysis grew from $85 million to additional %100 million.

The pay-as-you-go implementation strategy doesn’t require this extra expense.

The in-house IT staffs have been paid to do so. They already knew these requirements shortly after they had been hired.

The organization didn’t know how many legacy systems were to be replaced.

This looks impossible to me unless the USAF doesn’t have any IT professional and outsource all legacy information systems to vendors.

The organization lacked executive sponsorship.

There should be dedicated executives at the high levels who would define the new directions of the organization’s new future, and guard people to head to those new directions. Senior executive turnover further weakened executive sponsorship.

Until the new ERP software can demonstrate its capabilities, how can we ask anyone to paint a prettier picture than one that doesn’t exist?

Were there some digital transformation experts urging the top brass of the USAF to make the following statement?

“We were and are going in the completely wrong direction!”

There was too much customization on the software.

The original vision for the project was to use the software off the shelf, minimize customization, and use the software the way it was built.

It was supposed to leverage best practices and change the business to fit the technology.

But they ended up doing instead was customizing the software to fit the way they wanted the business processes to be.

This practice of stuffing a square rod into a round hole is a recipe for disaster.

It is safe to say that there is not, and there will never be, a set of pre-built ERP applications that can meet 5% or more of the needs of any military branch in any country.

There is not, and never will be, a set of pre-built ERP applications except accounting module that can meet any of the needs of any life insurance company.

Originally published at



CN Liou
CN Liou

Written by CN Liou

enterprise-grade SaaS + PaaS platform and ERP software architect 企業級SaaS + PaaS平臺、ERP系統架構師

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